Newsletters and Blog

Living with Dementia

Living with Dementia

Rachel Evans Blog Post My Dad was the type of man whom held the attention of a room full of people with his charismatic chat and charm. He was significantly slowed by a massive stroke 20 years ago, but he was still a conversationalist and social individual. He was...

Welcoming the new President

Welcoming the new President

Tara Renton - Outgoing President It has been an amazing privilege to represent BAOS and Council over the last two years. I cannot thank the Council members enough for their extra-ordinary commitment and energy - unfunded and on top of busy professional and personal...

Membership Fee Structure for 2018

Membership Fee Structure for 2018

Rhian Jones BAOS Honorary Treasurer Another annual conference is on the horizon as I write this and the AGM will be held as usual. It’s always heartening to see so many members of BAOS attend the AGM but I know it’s not possible for everyone. Therefore, I felt this...

Digital Professionalism

Digital Professionalism

Pippa Blacklock Past President It was with some trepidation that I attended to the recent BAOS joint Council and Regional Representatives training day in London. I was looking forward to meeting up with our fantastic BAOS reps who do such an amazing job organising...

National Recruitment

Sarah McKernon BAOS Oral Surgery  Trainees Rep As trainee representative on the SAC I have been fortunate to be a part of the working group for National Recruitment for Oral Surgery. I thought I’d use my blog to update everyone on the process that has commenced this...

Conscious Sedation

Professor Paul Coulthard BAOS Council Member and Editor-in-Chief of Oral Surgery Dubai and Conscious Sedation First weekend in May I was running a sedation workshop in Dubai. I have been travelling to various places in world but especially the Middle East to promote...

Volunteering for Dentaid

Volunteering for Dentaid

Rhian Jones Honorary Treasurer   I don’t know about you but I know I haven’t cracked this “work/life balance” thing. Like many of you I am busy at work, dealing with patients, staff and generally running the practice as well as keeping an eye on how many UDA’s...