Newsletters and Blog

AGM Minutes 2020

AGM Minutes 2020

Please click on this link to see the AGM minutes for 2020.

Risk Communication Survey

Risk Communication Survey

Dear all, I'd like to invite you all to take part in some research exploring communication of clinical risk and uncertainty in dentistry. The survey link below provides further information outlining the research process. If you decide to take part a short anonymous...

The BAOS Commitment to Inclusion 

The BAOS Commitment to Inclusion 

The BAOS Commitment to Inclusion  Like our patients, Oral Surgeons and their Teams are not all the same. We are committed to confronting discrimination in all its forms and to creating a more inclusive environment in which everyone can thrive to best serve our...

SAS Contract Reforms: Upcoming Referendum and Roadshows

SAS Contract Reforms: Upcoming Referendum and Roadshows

The negotiations between the Government and the BMA/BDA representatives on the new SAS Contracts for doctors and dentists in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have just concluded. There are a series of 'Roadshows' which have been organised to explain the detail of...

Managing Adversity in the Workplace: Building Resilience

Managing Adversity in the Workplace: Building Resilience

Psychological Resilience: Definition: The ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis, or to return to pre-crisis status quickly Origin: 1620-30; from resilire (Latin): to spring back, rebound By Kelly Gillan, BAOS Council Member As we all know, healthcare...

FDS-BAOS Research Grants

FDS-BAOS Research Grants

Applications are now open for the 2021 FDS-BAOS Research Grants. See Or download this poster

President’s Newsletter October 2020

President’s Newsletter October 2020

Trainees, Examinations and Research Delivery of care, training and education has been very challenging, and continues to be so, during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The impact on trainees has been significant with reduced clinical experience for many. A strategic...