Newsletters and Blog

Newsletter Jan 19: Feature

Newsletter Jan 19: Feature

Adrian Thorp BAOS Council Member How and why we got to Montgomery A breach of duty in negligence is found to exist where the defendant fails to meet the standard of care required by law.  The objective test, which is also known as the reasonable man test was set out...

Annual Conference 2018

Annual Conference 2018

Rachel Evans To see the winners and read about the 2018 annual conference click here.

How to overcome the hot pulp

How to overcome the hot pulp

Rachel Evans We all sufferer failure occasionally with our local anaesthetic, especially with the so called “hot pulp” but do you know why and the how to overcome this? At the BAOS annual conference we had an excellent lecture from Professor Ken Hargreaves, Professor...

BAOS President’s Newsletter

BAOS President’s Newsletter

Rebecca Hierons President Dear Members In the midst of all this beautiful Summer sunshine and almost a year into my Presidency (though it feels like a month), I thought it would be good to update you all as to exactly what Council and the BAOS office have been doing...

Risk Reduction in Oral Surgery

Greg Gerrard BAOS Council Member Risk Reduction in Oral Surgery Visiting the excellent ‘Teeth’ exhibition at the Wellcome Collection was a good reminder of just how much the profession of dentistry has changed. Removing teeth remains the mainstay of our work but the...

CESR – Veni, vidi, vici?

CESR – Veni, vidi, vici?

Rebecca Hierons President BAOS Spotlight article June 2018 CESR – Veni, vidi, vici? The BAOS Council have been aware for some time now of the problem facing a large proportion of our Staff Grade, Associate Specialist and Speciality Dentists (SAS) members with regard...

‘Getting it Right first time’ (GIRFT)

‘Getting it Right first time’ (GIRFT)

Tara Renton Past President 'Getting it Right first time' (GIRFT) Introduction The first ‘Getting it right first time’ (GIRFT) report,1 published in 2012 and led by Tim Briggs (Orthopaedic surgeon), considered the current state of England’s orthopaedic surgery...

Website Launch

Website Launch

Pete Brotherton Council Member Website Launch The BAOS council are proud and thrilled to announce the launch of its new look website. We have long been aware that the old website was due for a revamp and working together with Andrew Clark from Nextnorth Ltd. we have...

“If you don’t change you will never progress”

“If you don’t change you will never progress”

Martin Curran Council Member “If you don’t change you will never progress” Oh, how dentistry has change since I entered dental school in the late seventies.  I must admit that I “swanned” my way through dentistry, doing what I had to do but not overdoing it.  Mark...

The BAOS Annual Scientific conference

The BAOS Annual Scientific conference

Pippa Blacklock Blog Post The BAOS Annual Scientific conferences continue to go from strength to strength as demonstrated by the recent conference held in Belfast, Northern Ireland on the 27 to 29th of September 2017.  The event was held in the iconic Europa Hotel in...