OPEN PAPER – Abstract Submission Form – 2025

Only Abstracts from applicants who can attend the 2024 BAOS Annual Conference on Thursday 3 April 2025 in Newport, South Wales will be considered.  The PRESENTING AUTHOR must be a BAOS member.

  • Abstract title should be no more than 10 words and Abstract Submission in total should be no more than 300 words.
  • For online submissions please observe the style requirements below.
    • Research Paper, sections must include the following each separated by a colon.
      • Objectives:
      • Methods:
      • Results:
      • Conclusion:
    • Audit/Service/Quality Improvement Project Paper: sections must include the following each separated by a colon.
      • Objectives:
      • Methods:
      • Outcomes:
      • Conclusion:
    • Any supporting documents can be uploaded using this form.

Open Paper


No Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, bmp, tiff, tif, webm, wax, mka, rar, wri, xla, xls, xlt, xlw. Max. file size: 1 MB

* Presenting Author:  This is the person who will present the Open Paper orally at the Conference.  They must also be a BAOS Member.

 Co-Authors (whether BAOS Members or not) are not permitted to present the Open Paper orally at the Conference if the Presenting Author cannot attend.