BAOS 2025 Conference

Open Paper and Poster Competition


CLOSING DATE: for online Abstract application forms is Friday 1 November 2024.

OPEN PAPER Competition

Categories and Open Paper Prizes:

1 – Open Paper – Research Prize 1st prize £300, 2nd prize £150

Submissions of Abstracts for this category are welcomed for Research Projects.  If not accepted for an Open Paper (Oral) Presentation, you may be given the option to present your work as a Poster at our Conference.

Click on following link for Guidance and Rules Information – Open Paper and to apply online for this Open Paper Competition, please click ”Abstract OPEN PAPER Application Form 2025” link at the bottom of this page.

2 – Open Paper – Audit / Service / Quality Improvement Prize 1st prize £300, 2nd prize £150

Submissions of Abstracts for this category are welcomed for Audit / Service / Quality Improvement Projects.  If not accepted for an Open Paper (Oral) Presentation, you may be given the option to present your work as a Poster at our Conference.

Click on the following link for Guidance and Rules Information – Open Paper and to apply online for this Open Paper Competition, please click ”Abstract OPEN PAPER Application Form 2025” link at the bottom of this page.

POSTER Competition

Categories and Poster Prizes:

Audit / Service /Quality improvement category – 1st prize – £150, 2nd prize – £75

Research category – 1st prize – £150, 2nd prize – £75

Case presentation category –1st prize – £150, 2nd prize – £75

Click on the following link for Guidance and Rules Information – Poster

and to apply online for this Poster Competition, please click ”Abstract POSTER Application Form 2025” at the bottom of this page.

DCP (Dental Care Professional) – prize – £150

This prize is awarded to the best presentation Poster by a DCP.   The rules outlined above apply.

Important Note: Only BAOS Members should apply

CLOSING DATE: for online Abstract application forms is Friday 1 November 2024.

Please note that there will be a new process for Poster judging.

Submission of Abstracts

Initially delegates are invited to submit their poster abstracts electronically by Friday 1 November 2024.

All abstracts will be assessed by the Conference Organising Committee and the 60 that are judged to be the best based on the abstract submission will be put forward to be displayed at the Conference.

Poster PDF Submission

After 16 December 2024, BAOS will then contact the authors of the 60 abstracts that are due to be displayed at the Conference and ask them to produce a PDF of their poster which needs to be submitted electronically by 10 February 2025.  These 60 PDF posters will be assessed by the Conference Organising Committee, and the best 18 will be put forward for the prize Competition.

All 60 selected posters that are on display at the Conference, will have their abstracts published within the BAOS Oral Surgery Journal, normally the following year.

The lead authors of the 18 selected posters will be asked to present their posters for judging during the Conference.  They will be given a 3-minute time slot and will have to stand by their poster and present their work and answer any questions the judges have for them.  Following this, the judges will make a final decision as to which posters will be awarded prizes.

Flow Chart of New Process for Poster Submission

Winners of Competition

The Winners of both the Open Paper and Poster Competition will be announced at the Award Ceremony at the Annual Dinner on Thursday evening, 3 April 2025.

Click onto Abstract Application Forms below:


Abstract OPEN PAPER Application Form 2025

Abstract POSTER Application Form 2025

Updated on 21.8.24